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about us

Yorsafety, working with your organisation, endeavours to demonstrate that health and safety is not something that is different from normal work. It’s not “something else we have to do” or a “necessary evil”. We understand that health and safety can get some bad press. Too many procedures, too much paperwork, too much bureaucracy can all contribute to the negative thinking around health and safety. And often, it is viewed as something separate from work. This is why we often talk about balance and want to help organisations weave health and safety into normal work.

We understand that while work can be complex, in the right working environment, organisations can flourish, fostering a culture of learning, improving and growing.

We assist in developing that culture and work environment with you, by building relationships with your teams, learning what is preventing further operational success including the health and safety of their people.

For over 20 years, founder of Yorsafety, Ken Mudd has been working in health and safety management in industries such as construction, manufacturing, retail, education, tourism, and distribution.

Ken has varying qualifications and certificates in health and safety; from NEBOSH to MSc in Occupational Health and Safety Management. When completing his master’s degree, he achieved a distinction and was named “Student of the Year”.

“My approach is one of pragmatism and balance. Health and safety is another aspect of everyday work and not THE only aspect.

To help prevent accidents, injuries and ill-health, I encourage organisation to stop concentrating on outputs of work and consider the inputs. Learning from normal, everyday work will help identify problems with how work is getting done. Goal conflicts, equipment availability, tools, systems, processes, leaders’ language and actions, education and competence all contribute to outcomes and can impact the culture of an organisation.

I always want to learn with my clients and have a curious questioning approach. This leads to really getting into the heart of issues with work for those who carry it out. Then, working with our clients’ teams, I then plan solutions to improve work and have more successful outcomes. That is, safer, compliant, efficient and still achieving the goals of the business.”

Primarily, Yorsafety supports client across the UK but have been known to assist organisations in North and South America. And whatever your organisational needs, Yorsafety has access to an excellent team of other associates to ensure you are provided the best valued solution for your business. Because success is built on relationships, we apply the same collaborative approach to our associates as we do our clients, giving you the confidence that you are in good hands with Yorsafety.